Choosing Where to Stay When You Travel

One of the dilemma of travellers is the way of choosing a hotel when they travel. Even though, modernization gave us various hotel websites and booking apps, newest substitutes to consider and to look for are rentals for private guest room, housesitting or houseswapping. To make it a bit easier, there are also tips in using Google maps when traveling.

Looking for a place where you can stay really eats lots of your time. However, you also need to consider the roofing style. This is very much crucial in rainy seasons as the host may look for flat roof repair in wet weather. But, now, the general necessity are the private rooms, wifi, and luxuries.

Travel accommodation options

Accommodation selections are widely and readily available when we travel. However, before selecting a place, here are some of the options that you might have to consider.


This accommodation option is shared by lots of traveler due to its low-budget feature. Typically, a guest staying in a hostel rent a bed, but not room, just for a night. The room in a hostel where the bed is located may be shared by four or more travelers.

In addition, the bathroom in a hostel are like those in a dorm. It is somehow large which includes some showers and sinks. Usually, around one to two bathrooms are present in each floor. Compared to hotels, hostels cost lesser, but privacy or personal customer interaction has not been catered.

Guest houses

One type of lodging is a guest house. This is an example of budget-friendly hotel-like lodging, mostly in the Caribbean. However, other parts of the globe consider it as a private home which is transformed for guest accommodation exclusivity.

Basically, guest house owners stay in a completely separate area within the vicinity. Through this, the guest house totally serve as a kind of lodging business. Moreover, this accommodation option may offer personalized attention, quietness, homemade and nutritious food.


On the other hand, housesitting is an accommodation option which works by a house owner leaving their house in a certain period of time. By then, the house is entrusted to house sitters both approving on a mutual agreement.

The agreement to temporarily stay in the property has been exchanged for some sort of responsibilities like doing the general house cleaning, taking care of the pet of the home owner or readdressing the mail. In short, the house sitter must have to ensure that everything runs in place, assuming that the real home owner is at home.
