Let us first look at the first and most important thing to do for a foreign performance: work visa authorization. Prior to you doing any work abroad, you must ensure that you have the authorization.
An DJ (name was held) wrote last month about his experience that’s like a nightmare. He was put in prison in the UK because he played a DJ gig without a proper visa and was deported back to his country. Even if you want to be a “volunteer” or purchase a drink ticket before you go to the show, the country you are visiting will need a document that describes the reason for the visit. In essence, you would like to know how to travel abroad worry free. Do your homework prior to you doing anything!
Clearly, travel outside the US also requires a passport. If you need to press the time issued, you can pay $60 and go to the official Passport Center in the United States for quick processing. I lived in Buffalo, New York, but got my passport in two weeks.
Localize Your Song Library
So let’s assume that you have fixed everything needed already for your safe travel. Now, as a DJ I am quite sure you have a great collection of songs for you to play on your gig. But it’s always a good thing to acquaint yourself with the tradition of the place you are going to DJ at.
At a recent live DJ gig in Barcelona, I was instigated to review the Latin House collection. As a result, my set contains 70% music, including Spanish vocals. I also finished a custom revision of Sergio Mendes’s “Mas Que Nada” with a mashup of Harry Romero’s “Tania” in the carriage. It was very well received, and the events manager confirmed that I turned the crowd’s evening into something they won’t forget.
Do you want to find hits in other countries? You need to dig in a little bit. Enlivening your set in a foreign language gives you unique advantages over other DJs. Find a good source of fantastic music in the country you are visiting. DJCity should be a good place to start.
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